PICTURE DAY Tomorrow is school picture day!
Showing posts from September, 2015
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Financial Literacy Attention Parents! Learn how to support your child's independence with wise spending habits. This FREE event will be held at the Mansfield Main Library, in the Community Room. It will take place Tuesday, October 13th, 6:00 -7:30 PM. Learn and practice important skills of using money wisely! The flyer for this event is attached! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5DcKGAb3nSDcHYtd1oxd3FuWk0/view?usp=sharing
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Get Organized! The time to get organized is NOW! Yes, I realize that we are still at the very beginning of the year, but trust me, it is better to start off organized and just maintain it rather than to let things get completely out of control and then work on cleaning everything up in order to find that *one* item that you needed. For some students, being organized comes easier than it does to others and the reality is that one system of staying organized doesn't always work for everyone else so you really need to think about what does or does not work for you. Sometimes the best way to figure out an organization strategy that will work for you is to stop and reflect back on what has NOT worked for you in the past. For example, if you are a person who always tries to keep things in binders, but then ends up with the little pocket areas in the front and the back of the binder stuffed to the breaking point with...