This will be my last post before we return in August! The last few weeks have been spent working on schedules, lockers, and all kinds of tasks to prepare for the upcoming school year. I have a feeling it is going to be a good one! Each year I talk to the students about kindness. I always emphasize being kind, not nice. Nice can be faked, it is often a series of meaningless words. Kindness can not be faked. One is either kind, or not kind. Kindness is action. Kindness is inconvenient. This is something I personally strive for on a daily basis. This is difficult, I fail often. But failure does not mean you quit trying. I ran across an article recently about how to teach kids kindness. Take a few minutes to read it and set some goals for the summer. If you want to do more with this, there are a lot of resources online involving kindness (summer kindness bucket list, acts of kindness challenge, etc).You never know the impact it may have. Are You Raising Nice Kids? Have a great sum...