Summer Lunches!

We know that statistically, many students, without having school lunches available during the summer, do go hungry. Thankfully, there are people out there who want to help.
All children ages 1 through 18 are eligible to receive free meals during the summer months at participating program sites. Individuals ages 19 through 21 who have been identified as having mental or physical disabilities and are following Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) through their current enrollment in educational programs, also are eligible for free summer meals.
Here is a link provided by ODE with information on where the free meals can be obtained as well as a phone number for more information (1-866-3-HUNGRY). There are 6 free meal sites located in Mansfield as well as in neighboring communities such as Crestline, Galion and Mt. Vernon.
Have a terrific, relaxing summer!


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