RED RIBBON WEEK This week the Junior High is celebrating Red Ribbon Week! Red Ribbon Week is a week of drug, alcohol, and violence prevention awareness. Every day on the announcements there will be interesting drug facts, and at lunch all the students have the opportunity to wrtie their "anti-drug" hands that will be hung all over the school. In addition, the entire school is encouraged to WEAR RED THIS THURSDAY! This is a great opportunity to talk to your student about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Here is the latest "TEACHable Moment" from the Drug Free Action Alliance. You can subscribe to this information on their website! Know! The Impact of Marijuana on Adolescents “We are the New Americana, getting high on legal marijuana,” are the lyrics to a popular new song by 21-year-old singer/songwriter ‘Halsey.’ Her song reflects the unfortunate reality of the world our children are growing up in, as marijuana becomes not...