Staying On Top Of Grades!

Grade cards will be going home today! In addition to grade cards, you will find a newsletter. Lexington Junior High does not send a monthly newsletter, but they will come home with grade cards occasionally. It is a great way to get information out to every parent. I hope you find it helpful!

I want to highlight one of the items I included in the newsletter, as well as tell you about a couple more!

ProgressBook Alerts

There is A LOT of information that can be found on ProgressBook. Many people think of it as a place to see current grades. That is true, but there is so much more. Teachers will post homework, along with attachments of the homework! My personal favorite feature is the alert system. Too busy to check everything every night but still want to stay in the loop? Do you want to be notified if your child has a missing assignment? Or if their grade drops below a certain level? You can set an alert to be sent to you when this happens! On the left side of your Parent Access screen there is a menu. Toward the bottom you will see "Alerts". Click this to set up your alert parameters!

Math Help

Math is often the area where students (and parents) need a little help. Last year we started with a new book series and it has been amazing. There are so many resources available!
EdConnect: This is the online component of our math program. On this site you will find your student's math book, ALEKS (a personalized math program), and video tutorials of every lesson!!! There is literally no excuse a student can use that you as a parent would not have an answer for.
In addition to EdConnect, the homework room is available in the morning before school. Students are able to correct their work and turn it in for more points. Often, corrections alone can raise a math grade by a full letter.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Conferences are not held for every student at the junior high level. Teachers make requests to meet with specific students. These requests are also going home with grade cards. If you would like to meet with any or all of your child's teachers please contact the main office at 419-884-2112.
Conference Dates/Times:
Thursday, October 15th 4:30 -7:30 pm
Tuesday, October 20th 4:30-7:30 pm


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