
Showing posts from May, 2016
SPORTS!    One of the great things about Junior High is the ability to join a school sport! Junior High is the first chance students have to do this and it is an opportunity that should not be missed! What are you interested in? We have A LOT of things to choose from! Fall Sports:                 Winter Sports:          Spring Sports: Football                       Swimming                Track Volleyball                     Wrestling Cross Country             Basketball Cheer                         Cheer PHYSICALS! Free physicals available at MedCentral on 4th street! Boys: May 24th, 5-630 pm Girls: May 31st, 5-630 pm Forms available in the office! ...
Procrastination Procrastination doesn’t mean you are lazy or incapable, but it does often result in increased stress levels. If you have been fighting procrastination, there are no quick fixes and, as with most things in life, what works for one person will not necessarily work for someone else so it is important to find a strategy that will work effectively for you. I doubt that any of these suggestions will be ideas that you have never heard of before, but it comes down to deciding that you want to try to make a change. So, reward yourself for progress made because it does take time to improve. Some ideas to help combat procrastination: •Plan ahead. •Break your big projects, assignments, or responsibilities down into smaller, more manageable tasks. •Commit to spending at least 15 minutes working on something that you have been avoiding. •Remind yourself that there is not going to be a better time – not tomorrow, not next weekend, and not...
Social Media Articles Social Media continues to be an issue for many of our students.  It can have implications far beyond the present day and so it is a common topic for many articles: 3 points to discuss with teens about anonymous messaging The 12 apps every parent of a teen should know about Lots more college admissions officers are checking your Instagram and Facebook Boost college applications with a positive online presence To the well-intentioned but ignorant parents of teenagers Teens are using secret hashtags to share dangerous habits What do college admissions officers look for on Facebook pages? Teens and technology use Cyberbullying risk is much higher for young women and moderate internet users Does social media affect college admissions, how to prepare your profiles Study: college application process gets social College admissions: using social media during admissions process Why many kids are leav...