What grade do you deserve?

Today is the last day of the 4th grading period! How are you doing in your classes? Are you getting the grades you think you deserve? Pause for a second and really think about that... when you think about your grades, are they in alignment with what you believe you have earned? This tends to be a hard question for many students. Some of you will reflect on that question and say, "No!" And quickly cite examples like the tests are too hard, the teacher demands too much homework be completed, or I work hard and do everything I am asked and it still doesn't result in a good grade. Other students will reflect on this question and say, "Yes!" Their answers may include statements such as I work hard and it pays off or I learn what I need to pull off the grades I am earning. And probably the majority of students would answer, "I don't know." Perhaps you know that you are not fully applying yourself to your school work every day so may...