What grade do you deserve?

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgPwteDQ6p4XnTpy0q2JmgpU6ClsPru14476UB7gHqEg7EV-YVL6ZmLoho6KiZcf7QEwoeD2vz8A3V-MEEFJ0ulriROK2SF77jDIl6ZkEY8rYmnEea9y8QfDxqutkXSJP1xvPzyMrvhaEcN/s1600/grades.jpgToday is the last day of the 4th grading period! How are you doing in your classes?  Are you getting the grades you think you deserve?  Pause for a second and really think about that... when you think about your grades, are they in alignment with what you believe you have earned?

This tends to be a hard question for many students.  Some of you will reflect on that question and say, "No!" And quickly cite examples like the tests are too hard, the teacher demands too much homework be completed, or I work hard and do everything I am asked and it still doesn't result in a good grade.

Other students will reflect on this question and say, "Yes!"  Their answers may include statements such as I work hard and it pays off or I learn what I need to pull off the grades I am earning.

And probably the majority of students would answer, "I don't know."  Perhaps you know that you are not fully applying yourself to your school work every day so maybe you could do better if you tried harder, but you feel like you are doing "good enough" and are struggling to decide if putting forth the additional work would result in a marked improvement or not.  Interestingly, I would actually say that my guess is these students who don't know if their grades are what they deserve or not are in the best position to try to make a change.

If you automatically take the victim role line of thinking that it is too hard or believe you are not good enough then you're already in a position where you likely believe that nothing you do can make it better.  (For the record, I do not believe this is true... ever!)  For those of you who are thinking that you're getting the grades you earn then part of me says "Great!  Keep after it" and part of me says I hope you are not just settling for "good enough."  But the rest of you - it's time to try some new things.  Rather than just going through the motions and hoping for the best, you can take control and own your own learning!  Push yourself to understand the material being covered in class.  Try to consider how the concepts being taught apply to the rest of your world.  Use your experiences of studying, time management and work completion as practice for your futures because in college and some day, when you are "old" and working in your selected careers, you will always still be learning new concepts, trying new things, juggling commitments and responsibilities and you have to be able to take responsibility to put forth your best effort.

So, I'd like to clarify, it is a lot less important to me what the exact letter grade you earn ends up being.  What is important to me is that you are giving your best effort and that you are learning and growing!  When you are trying your best and seeking help when you need it then I will always be happy because you don't have to be THE best as long as you are doing YOUR best!


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