Grade Cards

Our first grading period has officially ended! For the seventh grade students and parents, this probably came a lot quicker than you expected. All of the elementary schools are on 9-week grading periods, or quarters. The junior high and high school are on 6-week grading periods, or hexamesters. This comes with positives and negatives. If a student starts the grading period out with some poor grades, it is more difficult to bring that grade up, because there are not as many grades and a shorter amount of time. However, on the positive side, your end of year average is based on 6 grades, rather than 4 - giving you MORE opportunity to get the grades you want. However you look at it, the beginning of each grading period is important. The first two weeks of each grading period determine if you spend the rest of the time digging yourself out of a hole, or more simply, maintaining a good grade. Here are some important dates to keep in mind: 9/27/2019 - 1st grading period ended 10/...