Overwhelmed by all of the resources, advice, and help that is floating around out there? ODE released a wonderfully concise document about how to help your child through this tough time. I like it because it is simple and complete, and all in one document! How to Support Your Child’s Health and Well-Being During Ohio’s Ordered School-Building Closure Even though I am providing you with yet another resource to consider, I want you to know that no one is expecting perfection. If all you can do right now is focus on loving your kids and providing a safe home for them, that is enough! As parents, you already live with this deep sense of parental guilt. Am I doing this right? Am I doing enough? In my experience, the most important thing is that a child knows they are loved and safe ! There are a lot of things we tell kids that parents need to hear too! Nobody is perfect. Don't compare yourself to others. Love yourself and others. Don't give up. Take care of you...