I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! Time is ticking away on the 2014-2015 school year. As the days get shorter the to-do list seems to get longer and longer! It has been a solid month since I posted last! So... it is time I do some catching up! This is going to be a long post, so get yourself a beverage and get comfortable!
Academic Awards Night
Congratulations to every student who was honored last week at our Academic Awards. We have so many amazing students at Lexington that it is easy to take it for granted. I am incredibly proud and thankful to be a part of this school and the lives of these students. Parents, whatever you are doing, keep it up!Spring Dance
We had the final dance of the year last Friday. Students were encouraged to dress in their best 80's ensemble and dance the afternoon away. I wish all of the parents could have seen what the students came up with. The slouch socks, neon, and big bangs were out in full force! Even the teachers got into it! Here is a little taste for you:) Mrs. Siringer and Mrs. Fraizer were reliving their (very recent) youth with the fanny pack and side ponies!Upcoming Events
May 27th: 8th grade visits the High School
The 8th graders will visit the high school. This will be a chance for them to tour the building and hear from some current high school students. This should be a fun (possibly scary) day!May 27th: Olive Garden Lunch
We recently wrapped up the "Pennies for Pasta" fundraiser. This is an annual event that raises money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This year we raised $1,508.21!! Again, I could not be more proud! Our winning class this year was Mrs. Young's 5th period Physical Education Class. These girls made the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society their focus for a solid two weeks. They definitely earned their lunch from Olive Garden! I look forward to continuing this fundraiser for years to come.May 28th: All 7th grade registration forms are due!
6th graders must turn their forms into their homeroom teacher no later than May 28th!May 28th: 6th grade students visit the Junior High
I have been over to talk to the 6th graders a couple of times now. We have gone over their questions, their fears, their schedule. Now they will get a chance to see and tour the building! Our student council members will be their tour guides. This will be an exciting day for our future 7th graders!May 29th: 8th Grade Party
Each year we celebrate our 8th grade class by having a party just for them! This will be a free event. There will be a dance, there will be food, and there will be dodgeball! The students have formed dodgeball teams and will compete against each other to determine the top teams!June 3rd: Pie a Teacher Assembly
We will be doing Pie a Staff Member again!! It was such a success last year and the kids really enjoyed it. What kid does not love the idea of putting a pie in the face of their favorite teacher? Students pay $1 for each nomination and names will be drawn during the assembly. All money will go to Will Schaefer's family.June 4th: Last Day of School!!!!!
The long awaited last day of school will be here before we know it. While our main goal is to prepare students for the coming school year, we also try to work in some fun along the way! Remember those top dodgeball teams? This is the day we determine the ultimate champion! We will have an assembly at the end of the day. First, the top dodgeball teams will face off to determine the ultimate winner. THEN... that team will compete against a staff team! There may be team t-shirts involved;)Finally, let me offer you some words of wisdom from a pretty tough looking baby and Alice Cooper!

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