Summer has finally arrived... for me! Today is my last day until August. I would like to leave you with a few things.

1. Summer is a time to rejuvenate and refresh! What does that mean for you? For me, it means keeping busy and getting as much vitamin D as I possibly can:) Parents and students: here are a couple of things to keep in mind for those rainy days.

  • High School Math Packet: If you are signed up for Algebra I or Enriched Geometry there is a math packet that needs to be completed over the summer. You can find it here:
  • Library Summer Reading Program: During the last week of school, our English classes took a walk to the Lexington Library. The students learned about all of the different resources available and signed up for the summer reading program. Any student that completes the summer reading program, and brings their certificate in at the start of school, will earn 10 extra credit points to start the 2016-2017 school year! 
2. Frequently asked questions!
  • When are tryouts for *insert any fall sport*? When are practices? Who is the coach? How do I get a physical? 
  • Where is the school supply list? 
  • When can I get my schedule? Is there an open house?
  • And many more that I can not think of! For all of these and more, check our website:
3. This has been a wonderful year! The staff, students, and parents I have the pleasure of working with each day are better than I could ever ask for. While I look forward to the time off, I also can't wait to see what 2016-2017 holds! 

I hope everyone has a fun a safe summer! I will see you again in August! 


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