
Showing posts from 2018


Hello! It has been awhile since I have posted anything on the blog! For my faithful followers, I apologize. I have been using Schoology much more this year and parents now have access to that as well. So the blog was put on the back burner:( However, there are some things that I would like to communicate with parents that are perfect for this format. Today's topic is just that.   Vaping We have been blessed with a long period of time where smoking was NOT the popular thing to do. The New York Times reports that smoking was even at a 40-year low! Now, there is something new to worry about. Vaping has been around for a few years now, but it is becoming more prevalent in young people. Below is a link to an article published by the New York Times earlier this year. It does a great job of helping with this difficult conversation, while taking the teenage mindset into consideration. Please take some time to check it out and start this conversation with your children. ...

Scheduling for 8th Grade!

Today I am working with 7th grade History classes to register for classes for the 2018-2019 school year! Some notes about scheduling:   Choir now requires teacher signature to enroll. In addition, both parents and students are required to sign the contract/expectations on the back of the registration form. This course will be limited to 50 students per section.  Other classes that require teacher signature: English 8+, Foreign Language, Choir, Metal/Glass Work Courses taught at (or above) the high school level: Foreign Language and Enriched Algebra I **NEW Art Courses for 2018-2019!** Next year, Mrs. Fraizer is excited to offer two additional art courses! In addition, she has made some changes to the Art 8 curriculum that will give students more freedom and choice. Art 8 Exploration Through this course, you will have the freedom to choose from different mediums (materials) for each of your projects. You will develop your artistic skills by choosing th...

What grade do you deserve?

Today is the last day of the 4th grading period! How are you doing in your classes?  Are you getting the grades you think you deserve?  Pause for a second and really think about that... when you think about your grades, are they in alignment with what you believe you have earned? This tends to be a hard question for many students.  Some of you will reflect on that question and say, "No!" And quickly cite examples like the tests are too hard, the teacher demands too much homework be completed, or I work hard and do everything I am asked and it still doesn't result in a good grade. Other students will reflect on this question and say, "Yes!"  Their answers may include statements such as I work hard and it pays off or I learn what I need to pull off the grades I am earning. And probably the majority of students would answer, "I don't know."  Perhaps you know that you are not fully applying yourself to your school work every day so may...
Interested in learning more about the future of Lexington schools?    The next meeting of the facilities planning committee is scheduled for TONIGHT Monday, January 29th, 2018 at 6:30pm in the High School library. Please park in the parking lot behind the flag pole at the High School and enter the doors on either side of the cafeteria. There will be signs identifying those entrance doors.  The planning committee meetings are open to all interested in attending. We look forward to seeing you there! Our sincere thanks to all who are willing to give of their time to be part of this important process.

Grading Policy

ATTENTION! We are now in our second semester of the 2017-2018 school year. This means scheduling is coming up, testing is coming up, and the year is over half over! There is one other very specific reason I bring this up. Each course a student takes comes with certain requirements to pass that course. Each grade you see on your student's grade card earns them a specific number of points. There are a certain number of points required to pass each class. In addition to this, there is a certain number of points required in the 2ND SEMESTER to pass each class. This is good to know! The fourth grading period has a huge impact on whether a student is in danger of failing a class, or not. Make yourselves familiar with the grading policy and let me know if you have any questions! Lexington Junior High grading policy : (this can also be found in the student handbook).                To pass any FULL YEAR course: ...