Scheduling for High School

In 8th grade Science classes today we went over High School scheduling requirements!

It is hard to believe it is already time to talk about next year! Today, 8th grade students should come home with a few different things: 
  • Curriculum guide (white book)
  • Registration sheet (purple sheet of paper)
  • Gym forms (if needed)
Please turn your registration forms in to your English teacher no later than Friday, February 8th. HS Counselors will meet individually with students next week to go over your forms and answer more specific questions.

February 11th: HS Counselors will meet with students individually out of Mrs. Frantz's classes.
February 14th: HS Counselors will meet with students individually out of Mrs. Roseberry, Mrs. Siringer, and Mr. Eichler's classes.

 If you would like to take a look at the PowerPoint used to go over all of the scheduling requirements, you can find it on Schoology!

Side note: If you have never been on Schoology, have your student log in and show you around! There is so much information!


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