
Showing posts from 2020

Love Language

Everyone shows love in a different way. This means that everyone feels loved in a different way. Do you know what your love language is? Do you know what your children(s) love language is? If you have never heard of the love languages before, this is a very interesting and enlightening concept. This is a great article detailing the 5 love languages of children and what that means to parents. Here is a link to quizzes for each age group or stage of life.

Finding Happiness

I recently watched a live Q&A with Dr. Laurie Santos. Dr. Santos teaches courses on the psychology of happiness and well-being at Yale University. In the video below, she shares a lot of useful and practical information regarding these strange times.  Click HERE for the video! Here is a description and outline of the topics covered (complete with time stamps if you do not have time for the entire video).  "We’re living in an unprecedented time as COVID-19 impacts lives everywhere. As we navigate and adjust, how can we manage the many emotions we’re feeling? Dr. Laurie Santos hosted a Facebook Live Q&A to help us all find ways to cope and process. The video covers the following topics: Reducing tension in a relationship while sheltering in place (1:11) Consuming news without increasing anxiety (3:24) Supporting healthcare workers and helping them prioritize self-care (5:19) Remaining positive when living alone (8:51) Staying focused and producti...


Overwhelmed by all of the resources, advice, and help that is floating around out there? ODE released a wonderfully concise document about how to help your child through this tough time. I like it because it is simple and complete, and all in one document! How to Support Your Child’s Health and Well-Being During Ohio’s Ordered School-Building Closure Even though I am providing you with yet another resource to consider, I want you to know that no one is expecting perfection. If all you can do right now is focus on loving your kids and providing a safe home for them, that is enough! As parents, you already live with this deep sense of parental guilt. Am I doing this right? Am I doing enough? In my experience, the most important thing is that a child knows they are loved and safe ! There are a lot of things we tell kids that parents need to hear too! Nobody is perfect. Don't compare yourself to others.  Love yourself and others.  Don't give up.  Take care of you...

I don't know...

Like all of you, I had no idea how the news of the Coronavirus would impact our day today and our coming weeks.  The levels of anxiety among students has definitely been substantially higher over the last few days and so much of that is connected back to the uncertainty of not knowing what is going to happen next. So, please, let's all pause for a second and recognize that there is significant fear of the unknowns.  Not knowing what school being closed for 3 weeks will look and feel like is strange (to say the least).  No spring sports practices or games is confusing.  Hearing high school, college, and professional sporting events cancelled is surreal.  And watching the news about this virus can be overwhelming.  Here is what I can suggest. - You are going to be at home and have some bonus time that was unexpected, consider using some of that time to do something you enjoy. - Read. - Listen to music and create new playlists - for example, ...

Letter from the Superintendent

 Parents and Guardians, As we all know, the flu has been making its way around Richland County. Click the link below to see what preventative measures Lexington Local Schools is doing to address this issue. This letter will be sent home with every student this afternoon. Have a wonderful day and stay healthy! Letter from Mr. Ziegelhofer

Free Training

My Child's Right to FAPE & A System for Organizing Records This is a FREE training (complete with free pizza) coming up in February. This training is designed for parents of children with disabilities. It is a "make-it-take-it" workshop that will assist participants in organizing records and documentation that pertain to their child's education and health needs. In addition, participants will gain an understanding of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Information about parents' rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004, how documentation can be used to assist parents in developing an Individualized Education Program, and how to work with other agencies will be presented. February 12, 2020 Mid-Ohio Conference Center (890 W. 4th St. Mansfield) 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (pizza dinner provided) Presenter: Laryssa Beatty OCECD Information Specialist/Trainer Registration: Parents of children with disabilities...


Welcome Back! I hope the break was restful. I have heard many people say that they had trouble sleeping last night. That is definitely to be expected when you are returning to school or work after a break. Today starts a new grading period and a new semester. It also means the year is officially half over! That is so hard to believe! It seems like each year goes by faster than the last. As if that isn't enough, in the next couple of months we are going to start working on schedules for next year. Here is what you can expect in the upcoming months. College Credit Plus Meeting On January 28th , 2020, at 7:00 pm, there will be an informational meeting in the high school auditorium. The College Credit Plus (CCP) Program is available to any student in grades 7-12 who is ready for college coursework. This meeting is mandatory for any student/parent who wishes to participate in the CCP program during the 20/21 school year.      8 th GRADE February 4t...