
Welcome Back!

I hope the break was restful. I have heard many people say that they had trouble sleeping last night. That is definitely to be expected when you are returning to school or work after a break.

Today starts a new grading period and a new semester. It also means the year is officially half over! That is so hard to believe! It seems like each year goes by faster than the last. As if that isn't enough, in the next couple of months we are going to start working on schedules for next year. Here is what you can expect in the upcoming months.

College Credit Plus Meeting
On January 28th, 2020, at 7:00 pm, there will be an informational meeting in the high school auditorium. The College Credit Plus (CCP) Program is available to any student in grades 7-12 who is ready for college coursework.
This meeting is mandatory for any student/parent who wishes to participate in the CCP program during the 20/21 school year.  


February 4th, 2020, scheduling materials for 9th grade will be explained and distributed in Science classes.
February 10th, 2020 students must have their registration forms completed and signed by a parent/guardian. these can be turned in to their English teacher. 
Throughout the week of February 10th, students will meet with High School Counselors individually to go over their academic and elective choices. This will take place during English classes.


During the week of February 18th, 2020, scheduling materials for 8th grade will be explained and distributed in History classes.
Registration forms must be turned in to each student's History teacher by February 25th, 2020.


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