Grade Cards

It is that time again! The 2nd six weeks is officially over. Grade cards will be coming home tomorrow, November 21st. Grade cards can be great news, or they can start difficult conversations.

For students who struggle and have to work hard to see success, nightly homework and grades can lead to arguments. This is not fun for anyone. Here are some ideas that may help:

·         Set aside structured time each evening for homework.

·         If your student says they forgot it, or it is at school, bring them back for it. During athletic seasons the building is typically open.

·         When setting goals for your child, short term is best. Make it a manageable, weekly goal. Junior High students do not tend to be long term planners, so focusing on the next grade card might not have the desired effect.

·         Try a reward, instead of a consequence. 

·         When checking grades for improvement, focus on the %, not the letter grade. A student may raise their grade 30% and still have an F, or 10% and still have a C. Focus on the progress.

Finally, If you are having trouble accessing GradeBook, or do not have internet access, please contact the school.

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