Meet the Dean!

As most of you know, Mr. Rastetter stepped down as Dean of Students. He is fulfilling his dream as Otterbein’s head wrestling coach. The staff and students are all incredibly excited for this new opportunity, but sad to see him go. 

Until someone can take over full-time, an Interim Dean of Students has been selected! Mr. Jay Schmidt has 36 years of experience with Lexington Local Schools. He served 23 years as a teacher and 13 years in administration. He has also been involved in the Lexington Athletic program on many levels. He has coached Girls High School Basketball, Boys High School Basketball, High School Track, High School Cross Country, Junior High Girls Basketball, and Junior High Track. Mr. Schmidt is in his 5th year of retirement from Lexington, but has never stopped coaching, making this his 41st year working with Lexington students! In his spare time, Mr. Schmidt enjoys golfing, cycling, and spending time with his children and grandchildren. 
Fun Facts
Birthday: December 16th
Weakness: Diet Mt. Dew
Favorite Meal: Steak and Shrimp!
Favorite School Lunch: Taco Bowl (Mr. Schmidt NEVER packed a lunch for 36 years!)
First Job: Playground Supervisor for Mansfield Recreation Department
Best thing about Junior High students: Great enthusiasm and energy, receptive and eager to learn.
What were you like in Junior High? Mr. Schmidt loved the athletics and social aspect of school! He  worried a lot about his grades and what other people thought of him.



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