New Faces!

Open house and schedule pick up are right around the corner. As you pick up your schedules you may see some names and faces you do not recognize.

English Department: Mrs. Burd and Mrs. Dewald will not be back this year. Mrs. Burd will be returning to her hometown to teach High School English. Mrs. Dewald will be enjoying time with her two young girls.

Mrs. Sarah Pearce
Mrs. Pearce was a long-term sub for us about a year ago. Mrs. Pearce will be teaching English 7 and English 7+ in room 212.

Ms. Rachel Frantz
Ms. Frantz is a local who spent some time teaching 9th Grade English in North Carolina. Ms. Frantz will be teaching English 8 and English 8+ in room 207.

Science Department: Mr. Schweichheimer started his teaching career with elementary students and will be going back to his roots at Eastern Elementary this year.

Mr. Mark Hoover
Mr. Hoover is joining us from Shelby Junior High where he taught Science. He will be teaching Science 7 and Science 8 in room 213.

Music Department: Mr. Dawson retired this past year after a long career with the Lexington Music Department.

Mrs. Alyssa Horn
Mrs. Horn is joining us from Brunswick City Schools where she was a Choir Director.

The staff is sad to see these wonderful teachers move on, but are excited to welcome all of the new faces! Please join us in welcoming them to the Lexington family!


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