Winter break is right around the corner! This is always a busy, crazy, drama-filled, exciting, and FUN week at the Junior High! The sense of peace and calm that some associate with the holiday season is NOT apparent here at Lexington Junior High! And we would not have it any other way:) This Friday will be crazy as always. Here is the schedule!
7:40 - 1st period Tardy bell
8:00 - Fire & Ice Performance. The Fruitcake song is a Lexington tradition!
8:30 - Students report to 2nd period
*There will be more surprises throughout the day*
2:05-2:20 - Toy Time winner presentation. (The dreaded Whip & NaeNae! )
2:21 - Winter Break begins!

I hope everyone has a wonderful break and a happy holiday! Hopefully, we can all find a few minutes to relax at some point too!
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