
Showing posts from April, 2017

Pennies for Patients Fundraiser! April 20th-April 28th

To support this year’s Pennies for Patients campaign, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is challenging each 5th period class to raise $250 online in 48 hours! April 21-23 As a reward, all classrooms at our school that raise $250 or more online by the Flash 48 deadline will receive a pizza party! The Flash 48 deadline is Sunday, April 23 2017 at 11:59pm All online donations from April 21-23 will be counted towards the $250 reward and also towards each classroom’s grand total. TO DONATE:  Go to In order to also earn your special, limited edition Student Series T-shirt you need to sign up for your own personal page too.  Here is what you need to do! 1. In the link above, on the right side of the page look for “Get Involved” and click on “Join Your Classroom Team” 2. Follow directions to make your page  3. Share your page on social media!


Do you have trouble focusing? Here is a fun tip that ANYONE can use, at ANY TIME! All you need is a pen and 1 minute! Step 1: Find a pen or pencil. Step 2: Hold it up to your face, about 1 foot away. Step 3: Focus on the end of the pencil for 1 minute (setting a timer will help you to avoid being distracted). For this one minute of time, do not allow yourself to think about anything else! Just focus on the end of the pencil! This would be great to try before beginning your homework, studying, at the beginning of a big game or race, anytime! I would love to know what everyone thinks of this. I will be trying it also:) I challenge you to use this trick at least once this week! (It might be good to try this before or during the Math & Science testing:) One Minute Life Hack Will Make You Do Everything Better! 

Final Grading Period!

Final Grading Period! Can you believe that today kicked off the start of the 6th six weeks?  It doesn't seem possible that we would be heading into the final grading period of the year, but we are, and the reality is that for many students the 4th and 5th six weeks have been a struggle.  This means that as we head into the LAST ONE it is imperative that you finish the 2nd semester and the year off strong. One critical component that many students seem to struggle with is studying.  Recently I have been hearing lots of people saying that they are doing all of their homework, but are still not doing well on tests or quizzes.  If that sounds familiar to you, then chances are you are struggling to study effectively. Reviewing content and reading through your notes is not the same thing as studying.  It is essential that you DO something with the content and knowledge you have gained in your classes.  It is that process of actively interacting with the inf...


Happy Friday! There may be snow on the ground, but SPRING BREAK is nearly here! I am sure many families are looking forward to a fun and relaxing break! For many students, after a break, the return to school is difficult due to symptoms of anxiety. We see a growing number of students dealing with anxiety. Anxiety is often unpredictable and can be a challenge for the whole family. If you have a child who struggles with anxiety, I urge you to make the return to school a priority on April 17th. Try not to schedule any appointments or have any tardies in that first week back. If an appointment is necessary, make it as late in the day as possible. This way it does not disrupt the morning routine.  If anxiety is something your family struggles through, there is an upcoming workshop just for you!  Norman Shub, Ph.D. is the Clinical Director of the Gestalt Institute of Central Ohio.  Norman Shub is an author, teacher and psychotherapist who is a leader in the guiding of ind...