Pennies for Patients Fundraiser! April 20th-April 28th

To support this year’s
Pennies for Patients campaign,
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
is challenging each 5th period class to raise
$250 online in 48 hours!
April 21-23
As a reward, all classrooms at
our school that raise $250 or more
online by the Flash 48 deadline will receive a pizza party!

The Flash 48 deadline is Sunday, April 23 2017 at 11:59pm
All online donations from April 21-23 will be counted towards
the $250 reward and also towards each classroom’s grand total.

In order to also earn your special, limited edition Student Series T-shirt you need to sign up for your own personal page too.  Here is what you need to do!

1. In the link above, on the right side of the page look for “Get Involved” and click on “Join Your Classroom Team”

2. Follow directions to make your page 
3. Share your page on social media!


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