Final Grading Period!

Final Grading Period!

Can you believe that today kicked off the start of the 6th six weeks?  It doesn't seem possible that we would be heading into the final grading period of the year, but we are, and the reality is that for many students the 4th and 5th six weeks have been a struggle.  This means that as we head into the LAST ONE it is imperative that you finish the 2nd semester and the year off strong.

One critical component that many students seem to struggle with is studying.  Recently I have been hearing lots of people saying that they are doing all of their homework, but are still not doing well on tests or quizzes.  If that sounds familiar to you, then chances are you are struggling to study effectively.

Reviewing content and reading through your notes is not the same thing as studying.  It is essential that you DO something with the content and knowledge you have gained in your classes.  It is that process of actively interacting with the information which helps to solidify it in your brain so that you have it accessible on your tests.

Please remember that this blog has lots of information about study strategies that you can consider trying.  You can find it by looking under "labels" or by doing a quick search at the top of the screen. Additionally, don't forget that the Academic Assistants in the Library are available to help you study after school, and I am also more than happy to work with you on study skills.

Below are additional articles related to studying which will also help give you ideas to consider to put yourself in the best position possible entering the last grading period.

Teaching good study habits, minute by minute

10 college study tips high school students can master now

Technology tips that can help you study this year

How to overcome test anxiety


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