College Credit Plus


You are invited to attend a special meeting to inform about the College Credit Plus program. This program enables students in grades 7-12 to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from a public or private college or university. This program was enacted by the state of Ohio in September 2014 and began in the 2015-2016 school year.

The purpose of the College Credit Plus program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wide variety of options to college-bound students. Colleges and universities will admit students based on their college-readiness. Students who will enter grades 7-12 and meet all the college entrance requirements are eligible to participate in the fall of 2018.

The Lexington Local School District will offer students two ways to participate in the College Credit Plus program:
  • The first is for the student to attend classes on public or private college or university campuses. The college or universities where the course is taken will grant the college credit for the course. Classes may also be taken online. 
  • The second is for the student to enroll in a dual enrollment class offered on the high school campus. 
If a student decides to take a college course for both college and high school graduation credit at a public college or university, there is no charge to the student for the costs of tuition, textbooks, materials, or fees for the first time a course is taken.

If you and your child have any interest in participating in the College Credit Plus program, I urge your to attend the informational meeting. The high school principal and counselor will be at the meeting to help assist you, as well as representatives from OSU Mansfield, NCSC, Bowling Green State University and Ashland University.

DATE: January 3, 2018
TIME: 6:45 pm - Doors open
             7:00 pm - Program presentation begins
PLACE: Lexington High School Auditorium

If you are unable to attend the information meeting, please contact the school. A Letter of Intent to Participate must be completed and submitted to the school counselor by Friday, March 30, 2018 along with a remediation free ACT score. Additional information about the College Credit Plus program can be found at

The next ACT test date is February 10th. The registration deadline is January 12th. Follow this link for more information:


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