
Tonight is the Junior High Band and Orchestra concert. Tomorrow night is the Junior High Choir concert. The music programs at Lexington are excellent. Tonight students will be able to show off everything they have been working on and parents will have a lot to be proud of. I have always known that our music programs are phenomenal. It is obvious to anyone who attends a concert. There is a level of excellence that you do not expect to find at a junior high event. 

This year I am even more aware of the high caliber musicians and singers we have at Lexington. Last year my office was located in the middle of the first floor hallway. This year, my office is attached to the main office. This puts me directly under the music room. All day I get to hear the Orchestra, the Bands, and the Choirs. I never lack in the area of music! I look forward to seeing them in action this week. If the muted sounds drifting into my office everyday are any indication – the concerts are going to be fantastic! Hope to see everyone there! 

·  Tues. Dec. 9 - Band/Orchestra Concert, 7:30 to 8:30 pm @ HS aud.

·  Wed. Dec. 10 - Choir Concert, 7:30 to 8:30 pm @ HS aud.


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