Tomorrow is the big day! Scheduling for High School!

It probably seems like we just started this school year, and we are already talking about the next! I will be in 8th grade Science classes all day tomorrow. We will discuss course requirements and electives for next year's Freshman class!

Your student will come home with a High School Registration form, Curriculum guide, a letter from the High School counselors, and possibly, a summer PE form. I realize this is a lot of information! Do not be overwhelmed - most likely, everything you need to know can be found in the curriculum guide. I have also attached the PowerPoint I use in my presentation with the students.

The registration forms will require signatures from any music teachers and possibly math, if your student is in the Enriched track.

The High School counselors will meet with each student individually to go over their course selections. This will take place in History classes (Mr. Morton on February 23rd and Mrs. Ferguson on February 24th). Students will need to have their registration forms completed, signed by a parent, and with them at this time. If organization is not a strength, they may want to turn it in to their History teacher for safe keeping.

High School Scheduling Presentation


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