
Anxiety Workshop for Parents!

Anxiety has become a growing issue in our changing world, especially with increasing terrorism, violence and more.  Parents often struggle to manage anxiety that develops in their children. While occasional anxiety is normal, constant anxiety can look a lot more like fear. Fear is being afraid of something real. Anxiety can become irrational and an everyday part of a child’s life, prohibiting them from truly enjoying childhood.  If you are a parent and are confused about how to help your child grow beyond their anxiety, you are not alone.  

In this workshop, parents will learn skills to mitigate anxiety and help their children navigate anxiety.

Why Should You Attend:
-Is your child feeling too much anxiety?
-Do you know what parents do that inadvertently causes anxiety in children? 
-Are you modeling too much anxiety? 
-Do you know how to help your child feel less anxiety through the parenting process? 
-Do you know how to keep your child's anxiety from going from issue to issue?

 This workshop will help parents learn to:
-Understand how anxiety can be triggered in their child 
-Explore how they can prevent overwhelming anxiety in their child 
-Figure out how they can help their child reduce irrational anxiety 
-Use different parenting skills to mitigate their child’s fear 
-Change their children’s view of the world to feel safer 
-Know what to talk about and how to talk about terrorism, violence, police / community issues to make their children less anxious
-Understand the warning signs of reactive anxiety

This workshop applies to parents of children of all ages. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017
7:00-8:30 p.m.

To register, call 614-751-5393 


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