First Day Magic

Hello PARENTS! Welcome to the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!

Today is always an exciting day. No one can get their locker open, no one knows where they are going, everyone is nervous - but at the same time, we all have this HOPE that it is going to be an amazing year! I love that feeling. It is the magic of the first day of school and it never gets old!

The first day of school can definitely be a stressful one. However, the lockers get better, students figure out where they need to be, and the nerves wear off. Unfortunately, some of that first day magic wears off also.

With that in mind, I just want to say thank you for trusting us with your children, thank you for all of the pep talks leading up to this day, all of the shopping trips, all of the other million little things you have done to add to the "first day MAGIC"! We appreciate all that you do!


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