
Showing posts from January, 2015
 PARCC Exams At this point, everyone has heard about the new PARCC exams, and there is a lot of mystery and anxiety surrounding them. Below are some key facts about Lexington Junior High’s administration of these exams. 1.     Students will be tested twice per year. The first testing will take place February-March. End of year testing will take place April-May. 2.     All of our exams will be computer based. 3.     With the exception of Geometry, all exams will be administered at the Junior High. Geometry students will take their exams at the High School. 4.     8 th Grade students will take ELA (English Language Arts), Math and Science. 5.     7 th Grade students will take ELA and Math. 6.     All students are permitted to bring earbuds or headphones with them for the exams. (Nothing with wireless capability, plug-in only). There will be headphones available if you do n...
In recognition of…   On February 4 th , we will take time out of the school day to reward the hard work and determination of a large number of students. This is the date of our next honors breakfast.  Each six weeks we host an honors breakfast for students who earned a 3.5 or greater on their grade card. Students are called down 1 st period. There is a brief moment of recognition of their achievement, pictures, and most importantly – food! For the last two grading periods there has been a phenomenal turn out. Roughly 40% of our students have met the GPA requirements to participate! Academic Boosters has been absolutely essential in helping us to recognize these students. This is just one of the many things Academic Boosters does throughout the course of a school year. We also have parents who volunteer their time for field trips and dances, provide testing treats, and more. In addition to all of this, they continually show support and appreciation ...
A Fresh Start Today started 2nd semester.  Can you believe we are already half way through the school year?  For 8 th graders, you are in your LAST semester of junior high!  For the rest of the student body, you are another semester closer to high school.  :-) One of the best parts about functioning on a semester system is that you get to start fresh.  As of today, you are not behind in ANY of your classes.  You are able to create new goals, take new steps, and focus on achieving whatever goals you have set for yourself.  It doesn't matter if you did great 1st semester or if it was a disaster.  You start over today.  This semester is in front of you for you to make of it whatever you want to see happen.  You are in control. So, as we start this new semester, please take a moment and make sure that you are ready to hit the ground running.  Clean out your bookbag, organize your notes, get new supplies if needed, fi...