At this point, everyone has heard about the new PARCC exams, and there is a lot of mystery and anxiety surrounding them. Below are some key facts about Lexington Junior High’s administration of these exams.
1.    Students will be tested twice per year. The first testing will take place February-March. End of year testing will take place April-May.
2.    All of our exams will be computer based.
3.    With the exception of Geometry, all exams will be administered at the Junior High. Geometry students will take their exams at the High School.
4.    8th Grade students will take ELA (English Language Arts), Math and Science.
5.    7th Grade students will take ELA and Math.
6.    All students are permitted to bring earbuds or headphones with them for the exams. (Nothing with wireless capability, plug-in only). There will be headphones available if you do not want to bring your own.
7.    Students should not bring their personal calculator. When allowed, calculators will be provided in the testing software. Students will need scrap paper and/or graph paper and a pencil.
8.    There are features available to all students that may prove helpful during the exam. For example, the ability to block out answer choices, highlight using different colors and flag answers to review later. At the end of the exam students can review their answers and check their flagged questions.
9.    Students will take the exam that matches the course they are in. For example, a 7th grader in Pre-Algebra will take the Math 8 assessment. Specific and individualized directions will be given to each student.
10.  Testing schedule is posted below. This is a general schedule, each student will receive clear and specific instructions as to where they need to be and when to take their exams.

2/17 & 2/18
Algebra I
2/19 & 2/20
Geometry (At the HS)
2/27, 3/3 & 3/5
3/2, 3/4 & 3/6
Science 8
3/10 & 3/12
Math 7 (All Integrated Math students)
3/11 & 3/13
Math 8 (All Pre-Algebra students)
3/30 – 4/3
There are practice tests online. Many students, if not all of them, have already completed these. However, it may be helpful to go through it again to test your earbuds or headphones.  
Students are required to do 1 hour of ALEKS each week. ALEKS is a computer based math program that has been modeled after Common Core and PARCC. Take advantage of this. Not only will it help your math grade, it will also make you better prepared for the upcoming exams.
Check the Lexington homepage (under parents and students) for resources and updates on PARCC.


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