A Fresh Start

Today started 2nd semester.  Can you believe we are already half way through the school year?  For 8th graders, you are in your LAST semester of junior high!  For the rest of the student body, you are another semester closer to high school.  :-)

One of the best parts about functioning on a semester system is that you get to start fresh.  As of today, you are not behind in ANY of your classes.  You are able to create new goals, take new steps, and focus on achieving whatever goals you have set for yourself.  It doesn't matter if you did great 1st semester or if it was a disaster.  You start over today.  This semester is in front of you for you to make of it whatever you want to see happen.  You are in control.

So, as we start this new semester, please take a moment and make sure that you are ready to hit the ground running.  Clean out your bookbag, organize your notes, get new supplies if needed, find your planner and start filling it out, and make the most out of each day in front of you.  I am excited to see what you will accomplish in the classroom and beyond over the next few months.  As always, if you need help in your classes, please reach out to your teachers, utilize the support from the homework room, and see me for additional resources. 

It is going to be a great semester and I hope you are excited to have a fresh start!


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