Welcome Back Everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed the nice long break, and the added bonus of sleeping in this morning! There are only 2 weeks left in the grading period. That means it is time to put forth 110% effort if you are not happy with your current grades.
That also means we are almost half way through the school year! It seems to get quicker every year. Next month the high school counselors and myself will begin going over high school course requirements and helping 8th grade students select classes for next year. I will be sure to share more details on the blog when that process begins.
In the meantime, focus on what you can do right now. Do you need to be more organized, a better studier, improve your focus? These things all take practice. And there is no time like the present. Small changes repeated over time lead to large change. Start small. 

Happy 2015! Let's make it a great one!


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